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How to Attract Candidates More Easily for a Temporary Job

Piata muncii este in continua schimbare, fiind impactata recent de Ordonanta 156/2025, care stabileste inghetarea salariilor bugetarilor, eliminarea primelor si bonusurilor pentru acestia, eliminarea facilitatilor fiscale din IT, constructii, agricultura, sectorul alimentar. Toate aceste restrictii isi vor pune amprenta asupra joburilor, atat la stat, cat si la privat, oamenii fiind tot mai interesati sa-si suplimenteze venturile prin angajarea temporara in anumite perioade ale anului.

A quarter of Romanians plan to change jobs in 2025, according to a study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research.

Whether it’s about expanding the team for a time-limited project, covering a peak activity period for the company, or replacing an employee on maternity leave, attracting the right candidates for various temporary positions can be challenging. Discover some effective recruitment strategies for temporary jobs, backed by data from recent studies, that will help you attract the right talent.

Understand Candidates’ Motivation for a Temporary Job

To attract suitable candidates, it is important to understand what motivates them to apply for a temporary job. According to a study by Kelly Services (2020), approximately 60% of candidates for temporary jobs are drawn to the flexibility of the work schedule, while 45% are interested in the opportunity to acquire new skills. These findings suggest that when promoting a temporary job, it’s essential to highlight the benefits that specifically attract this category of candidates, such as flexible schedules, learning opportunities, and diverse experiences.

Salariul este foarte important in alegerea jobului, la fel ca flexibilitatea si oportunitatile de dezvoltare. Potrivit unui studiu PwC, realizat in 2024, angajatii sunt motivati de un salariu echitabil bazat pe performanta. Din cei 86% dintre respondenti care au apreciat ca fiind foarte si extrem de important sa fie platiti corect, 72% spun ca actualul loc de munca le ofera o remuneratie multumitoare.

Create an Attractive Offer

To attract candidates for a temporary job, it is essential to have a clear and well-structured offer. According to a report by ManpowerGroup (2021), a temporary job should be described in detail, including information about responsibilities, working conditions, and the employment period. It is recommended to specify the contract duration and any potential benefits, such as the possibility of transitioning to a permanent role or opportunities for professional development.

Additionally, focus on organizational culture and company values. According to a study by LinkedIn (2022), 70% of candidates say they prefer to apply for jobs that reflect their values. Even if the position is temporary, candidates will want to feel part of a team and understand that they are valued. Therefore, you may promote a positive work environment and development opportunities, even in a temporary context.

 Use Online Platforms for Recruitment

One of the most effective ways to attract candidates for temporary jobs is by using online platforms. According to a study conducted by Glassdoor (2021), 68% of candidates apply through recruitment websites. Moreover, online recruitment platforms provide high visibility and allow quick access to a significant number of candidates.

It is also important to optimize job postings for search engines. According to a report by Adzuna (2020), jobs that are well-optimized for SEO receive 50% more applications than those that are not properly optimized. This is crucial, as many candidates search for jobs using specific keywords, and a posting that appears among the top results can attract significantly more applicants.

Collaborate with a Staffing Agency

Daca vrei sa economisesti timp si sa ai acces la o baza de candidati deja pregatiti, colaborarea cu o agentie de leasing de personal, care are si competente in zona de recrutare poate fi o solutie eficienta. Conform unui studiu, agentiile de recrutare specializate in joburi temporare pot reduce timpul de recrutare cu pana la 40%. De asemenea, agentiile pot ajuta la evaluarea abilitatilor candidatilor, asigurandu-se ca acestia sunt potriviti pentru jobul respectiv.

You gain access to a wide network of talent, including individuals with experience in your target field as well as candidates seeking temporary job opportunities for various reasons (summer work, vacation periods, supplemental income, etc.).

Smartemp are peste 13 ani de experienta in servicii de leasing de personal si peste 10 ani de lucru cu multinationalele. Punem la dispozitie lucratori in Resurse Umane, Financiar, IT&C, IT help desk, Office management, etc. pentru o perioada prestabilita. Recrutam lucratorii temporari si ne ocupam de documentele necesare angajarii, intocmim actele aditionale si deciziile, pregatim şi transmitem catre autoritaţile abilitate registrul electronic de evidenta a salariatilor. Calculam si platim drepturile salariale, concediile de odihna, concediile medicale, obligatiile fiscale aferente acestora, etc. Depunem declaratia unica si asiguram managementul tichetelor de masa.

The partnership with Smartemp is based on communication, trust, and flexibility. We periodically evaluate the services offered and look for ways to optimize activities for both candidates and companies. We ensure that employees can extend their temporary contracts up to 36 months or explore other temporary work options.


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Create a Fast and Efficient Recruitment Process

To attract the right candidates for temporary jobs, the recruitment process must be fast and efficient. According to a Glassdoor report (2022), 58% of candidates abandon their application for a temporary job if the recruitment process takes more than two weeks. Additionally, 60% of candidates are dissatisfied with the recruitment process when they do not receive quick feedback after an interview. Therefore, you should ensure that the recruitment process is well-organized, swift, and that candidates receive clear and prompt feedback, regardless of whether you handle it yourself or through a staffing agency.

Moreover, automating certain parts of the recruitment process can help streamline it. For example, using platforms that allow you to schedule interviews automatically can significantly reduce the time required to find the right candidate.

Show Enthusiasm Toward Candidates for Temporary Jobs

Recruiting candidates for temporary jobs benefits not only those seeking flexible work but also employers. According to a study by Workforce Solutions (2020), 60% of employers believe that temporary jobs allow them to test a candidate’s skills before offering long-term employment. This type of hiring can reduce the risk of onboarding an unsuitable candidate, saving both time and money.

Temporary jobs also enable companies to respond quickly to market demand fluctuations. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report (2021), during peak periods, temporary jobs can help supplement the workforce without the need for permanent hires, which is crucial for maintaining financial balance.

Poti atrage mai usor candidatii pentru un job temporar daca intelegi motivatia acestora, creezi o oferta care sa raspunda asteptarilor lor, folosesti platformele online potrivite sau colaborezi cu o agentie de leassing de personal. Asigura-te ca ai un proces de recrutare rapid si eficient si cel mai important, ofera-le feedback, pentru ca astfel creezi o comunitate, la care poti apela pentru proiectele viitoare.



Kelly Services (2020) - The Future of Work: Global Talent Trends Report
PwC (2024) - Sondaj Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2024 al PwC
ManpowerGroup (2021) - The Impact of Temporary Employment on Talent Acquisition
LinkedIn (2022) - How to Attract the Right Talent for Your Company
Glassdoor (2021) - The Best Job Search Platforms for Temporary Jobs
Adzuna (2020) - How SEO Impacts Job Recruitment
Workforce Solutions (2020) - Temporary Employment and the Benefits for Employers



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Take into account the trends in temporary work for 2025!

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