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Find out how staff leasing reduces your recruitment and employee management costs

In a time when operational costs and time are essential factors for business success, staff leasing can help you streamline your work. According to a study conducted by Deloitte, recruitment costs can reach approximately $4,000–$5,000, depending on the industry in which the company operates. Additionally, the recruitment and onboarding process for a new employee can take an average of up to 42 days. In this context, staff leasing offers an efficient and cost-effective alternative.


Save Money with Staff Leasing


1. Reduced Recruitment Costs

Hiring an employee can be an expensive and time-consuming process. On average, you may spend between $4,000 and $7,000 to recruit an employee, depending on the complexity of the job and the required level of experience (source: SHRM). These costs include job postings, selection processes, interviews, testing, and, last but not least, the time invested by the internal team in this process. Staff leasing eliminates these expenses, as recruitment agencies take full responsibility for the selection process, significantly saving resources for employers.

2. Long-Term Savings Through Administrative Outsourcing

Managing employees involves considerable administrative costs, such as payroll processing, tax calculations, leave management, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. These processes require specialized personnel, management software, and sometimes external consultancy. Staff leasing transfers these responsibilities to specialized agencies, significantly reducing administrative expenses. As an employer, you can save between 10% and 20% on human resources administration costs, according to Harvard Business Review.

Smartemp has over 13 years of experience in staff leasing services and more than 10 years of working with multinational companies. We provide temporary staff in HR, Finance, IT&C, IT help desk, Office Management, etc., for a predetermined period. We recruit temporary workers and handle all necessary employment documentation, draft additional agreements and decisions, and prepare and submit the electronic employee records to the relevant authorities. We calculate and pay salaries, vacation leave, medical leave, and associated tax obligations. We also submit the annual tax declaration and manage meal voucher administration.

Smartemp offers a complete package of temporary employment services, managed by a team of labor legislation specialists adept at navigating continuous changes in this field. In a dynamic economic context marked by frequent legislative and fiscal modifications, Smartemp supports its partners with the following:

  • Specialized consulting
  • Financial simulations and cost estimates
  • Budgeting support, helping companies make informed decisions and optimize human resource budgets;
  • Integrated Approach and Strategic Partnerships

3. Contract Flexibility

Another significant advantage of staff leasing is the flexibility it offers in workforce management. Instead of hiring permanent staff, which involves additional costs such as health benefits and pensions, you can opt for short-term or temporary contracts, which are more cost-effective. This way, you can adjust your teams based on workload or business seasonality. Additionally, staff leasing helps reduce financial risks associated with economic fluctuations.

Save Time

1. Fast and Efficient Recruitment Process

Una dintre cele mai mari economii de timp provine din faptul ca agentiile de leasing de personal au deja o baza de date cu candidati pregatiti si pot gasi rapid persoane potrivite pentru posturile disponibile. In loc sa astepti sa aduni aplicari, sa organizezi interviuri si sa faci selectia, poti economisi saptamani de cautari si proceduri interne. Astfel, timpul necesar pentru a ocupa o pozitie poate fi redus cu pana la 50% in comparatie cu recrutarea interna (sursa: Inc.).

2. Relieves you of daily tasks

Instead of dealing with employment documents, contracts, and other administrative tasks, you can rely on a staff leasing agency that takes over all these responsibilities. This frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other essential activities such as business development and process improvement.

Staff leasing is an excellent solution for reducing recruitment and administrative costs, saving both money and time. By outsourcing recruitment and employee administration processes, you can achieve significant savings and benefit from a more flexible and efficient workforce.

Forbes – "How Outsourcing Recruiting Can Save Your Company Money"
SHRM – "The Cost of Hiring a New Employee"
Harvard Business Review – "The Real Cost of Hiring and How to Lower It"
Inc. – "How Temporary Staffing Can Help Your Business Thrive"


How to Choose a Reliable Staff Leasing Company

Smartemp, Leader with 13 Years of Experience in Workforce Leasing, Announces a New Positioning Starting in 2025

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